Responsible for the Protection of Personal Information

The person responsible for the protection of personal information is Mr. Normand Lemay, Director of Development. He can be contacted by email at:

PlanetHoster's Privacy Policy

In light of our mandate, PLANETHOSTER is committed to offering our customers the best hosting solutions in the industry. Our willingness to protect the information that has been provided to us by our CLIENTS is aligned with that objective. This Privacy Policy has been prepared to inform you of our practices concerning the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information provided to PLANETHOSTER. For the purposes of this policy, “CLIENT” means an individual who has subscribed to the SERVICES offered by PLANETHOSTER or who seeks to subscribe to such SERVICES.

Our obligations apply to all officers, employees, consultants and agents who provide services to or on behalf of PLANETHOSTER in connection with our delivery of services to our CLIENTS.

In the event of questions, concerns or complaints about: (i) access to your Personal Information or your CLIENTS’ access to their Personal Information hosted by PLANETHOSTER; (ii) our collection, use, management or disclosure of Personal Information; or (iii) this Policy; please contact the Abuse Department at, 4416 Louis B. Mayer, Laval, Québec, Canada, H7P0G1, Tel: 1-855-774-4678, The person responsible for the protection of personal information is Mr. Normand Lemay, Director of Development.

What does the Personal Information collected by PLANETHOSTER consist of?

''Personal Information'' refers to any information about an identified individual or an individual whose identity may be inferred or determined from such information, other than business contact information.

PLANETHOSTER collects the following CLIENT information:

  • Contact information (names, addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone number);
  • Financial information (credit card number, expiry date, CVV/CVC2 number);
  • Technical data (information about your computer, notably IP address, type of operating and web browsing system that you use, location of your computer, type of domain, your Internet service provider, pages reviewed on our website, links on which you click, as well as the other websites that you have recently visited);
  • Information on purchases;
  • Information on CLIENTS’ satisfaction and their views on SERVICES;
  • Information about social network profiles such as Facebook and Twitter if you follow PLANETHOSTER through social networks.

PLANETHOSTER also collects Personal Information from its CLIENTS’ client when such data is hosted on PLANETHOSTER.

When does PLANETHOSTER collect CLIENTS’ Personal Information?

PLANETHOSTER collects your Personal Information when you complete the electronic form for ordering SERVICES via its website or when you and your clients use the SERVICES. PLANETHOSTER also collects Personal Information when you contact us through our web-based forum.
PLANETHOSTER also collects certain information when you visit the website. In browsing the Internet, you will encounter a technology called ''cookies'' which can be used to provide you with specific information from a website as well as provide the operator of a website with information about you. ''Session'' cookies are temporary bits of information that are erased once you exit your web browser window or otherwise turn your computer off. Session cookies are used to improve navigation on websites and to collect aggregate statistical information. This site uses session cookies to only record session information.

We install persistent cookies in order to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience using our website and SERVICES.

Most Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can set your Internet browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. You may also choose the “public computer” option on our website, following which all cookies monitoring systems will be turned off.

Why does PLANETHOSTER collect CLIENTS’ Personal Information?

PLANETHOSTER collects information provided in writing (including via electronic media) or verbally about its CLIENTS, and does so to provide and improve SERVICES, which involves:

Contact information

  • For billing purposes and to allow us to communicate with the CLIENT about the measures to be taken to process his/her order.
  • To manage its relations with CLIENTS.
  • To allow affiliate organizations and preferred suppliers to provide CLIENTS with products,services and information.
  • For the purposes of commercial prospecting and marketing.

Financial information

  • If you purchase SERVICES through PLANETHOSTER’s website using a credit card, your credit card information is used only for the processing of the services you ordered through PLANETHOSTER.

Technical data

This information is only used internally and in aggregate form, to better serve visitors by helping us to:
  • Manage our sites
  • Diagnose any technical problems
  • Improve the content of our website
  • Collect statistical information

Information on purchases

  • For the marketing of other services to its CLIENTS, notably through rebates to CLIENTS that are pro-rated based on their payments made to PLANETHOSTER.

Information on client satisfaction and views on services

  • To provide customer service

Social network profile data

  • For the marketing of other services to its CLIENTS, to communicate with CLIENTS and offer them various rebates.

When can PLANETHOSTER disclose your Personal Information?

PLANETHOSTER does not disclose Personal Information without first obtaining the consent of the concerned individual, unless required to do so by law.

PLANETHOSTER does provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of CLIENTS to its business partners for the purposes of providing SERVICES to CLIENTS. Where PLANETHOSTER discloses Personal Information to its business partners, it will take the necessary contractual measures to ensure a comparable level of protection of the Personal Information that is being processed by its business partners.

PLANETHOSTER fosters relations with an advertising server company, but does not allow any advertising server company to collect information about its website users such as the domain type, the IP address and the information provided by clicking.

Please note that there are circumstances where the disclosure of Personal Information may be justified or permitted or where PLANETHOSTER is obliged to disclose information without consent. Such circumstances may include:

  • Where required by law or by order or requirement of a court,administrative agency or another governmental tribunal;
  • Where PLANETHOSTER believes, upon reasonable grounds, that it is necessary to protect the rights, privacy, safety or property of an identifiable person or group;
  • Where it is necessary to permit PLANETHOSTER to pursue available remedies or limit any damages that PLANETHOSTER may sustain; or
  • Where the information is public.

Where obliged or permitted to disclose information without consent, PLANETHOSTER will not disclose more information than is required.


Unless permitted by law, no Personal Information is collected without first obtaining the consent of the individual concerned to the collection, use and communication of that information. PLANETHOSTER will seek your consent for each new proposed use of your Personal Information.

If a CLIENT agrees to it, his/her Personal Information shall be used by PLANETHOSTER for the purposes indicated in this policy statement. If a CLIENT does not consent or does not indicate his/her consent, then his/her Personal Information shall be used by PLANETHOSTER for purposes of communicating with the CLIENT only and shall not be provided to anyone else.

If a CLIENT wishes to withdraw his/her consent to have his/her information disclosed by PLANETHOSTER to its business partners, the CLIENT should contact PLANETHOSTER using the contact details specified above.

The Accuracy and Retention of Personal Information

PLANETHOSTER endeavors to ensure that any Personal Information provided by its CLIENTS and in its possession is as accurate, current and complete as necessary for the purposes for which PLANETHOSTER uses that information. If PLANETHOSTER becomes aware that Personal Information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, it will revise the Personal Information and, if necessary, use its best efforts to inform third parties which were provided with inaccurate information in order for such third parties to also correct their records. Information about a former CLIENT is not actively maintained and, as long as it is held by PLANETHOSTER, the accuracy of such information cannot be guaranteed.

PLANETHOSTER keeps your Personal Information only as long as it is required for the reasons it was collected. This period may extend beyond the end of a CLIENT’s relationship with PLANETHOSTER but it will be only for so long as it is necessary for PLANETHOSTER to communicate with you or to have sufficient information to respond to any issues that may arise at a later date. When your Personal Information is no longer required by PLANETHOSTER, it has procedures to destroy, delete, erase or convert it into an anonymous form.

Currently, the principal places in which PLANETHOSTER holds Personal Information is the city of Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and the city of Paris (France) + Swiss.

Protection of Personal Information

PLANETHOSTER endeavors to maintain appropriate physical, procedural and technical security with respect to its offices and information storage facilities so as to prevent any unauthorized access, disclosure, reproduction, use or modification of the CLIENTS’ Personal Information. This also applies to the way PLANETHOSTER handles the disposal or the destruction of Personal Information.

PLANETHOSTER further protects Personal Information by restricting access to it to those employees that the management of PLANETHOSTER has determined need to know that information in order that PLANETHOSTER may provide its products, services or information.

If any employee of PLANETHOSTER misuses Personal Information, this will be considered as a serious offence for which disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination of employment. If any individual or organization misuses Personal Information - provided for the purpose of providing services to or for PLANETHOSTER - this will be considered a serious issue for which action may be taken, up to and including termination of any agreement between PLANETHOSTER and that individual or organization.

We audit our procedures and security measures from time to time to ensure that they remain effective and appropriate.

Access to your Personal Information

PLANETHOSTER permits the access and review of Personal Information held by PLANETHOSTER about a CLIENT and will endeavor to provide the information in question within a reasonable time and no later than 30 days following the request. The access costs must not be prohibitive, and the access must not result in the disclosure of other parties’ Personal Information or information otherwise protected under the law. When PLANETHOSTER decides that such information will not or cannot be disclosed, the individual making the request will be provided with the reasons for non-disclosure. Personal Information as well as PLANETHOSTER access procedures may be obtained by contacting the Designated Person.

PLANETHOSTER will not charge a CLIENT for verifying or correcting his/her Personal Information.

The user of PLANETHOSTER’s website has a right to access Personal Information held by PLANETHOSTER about him/her and collected when visiting PLANETHOSTER’s website as well as the information from his/her account. In the event of an inaccuracy in their contact information, users can request a correction. Users have a right to request access and corrections, where appropriate, by sending an e-mail to the Designated Person.

Evolving Practices

This statement is in effect as of 1<sup>st</sup> September 2015. PLANETHOSTER will from time to time review and revise its privacy practices and this Policy. In the event of any amendment, a notice will be posted on <a href=''></a> and published in appropriate PLANETHOSTER publications. Policy changes will apply to the information collected from the date of posting to PLANETHOSTER website as well as to existing information held by PLANETHOSTER.